
f i l t e r e d

march 2014
austin tx


d i a m o n d s

march 2014
dallas tx


b l o o m

february 2014
dallas tx

s e l f i e d e u x

february 2014
dallas tx


i n v e r s i o n

february 2014
dallas tx


a l i c e

february 2014
wonderland tx

u n d e r u n d e r

february 2014
dallas tx


e m p t y c i t y

may 2013
new york city

g h o s t

may 2012
jupiter florida


f a c e l e s s

december 2013
austin tx

e x p a n s e

january 2014
mckinney tx


v i o l e t t e

october 2013
amsterdam the netherlands


b e l l s

october 2013
paris france
september 2013
triberg germany

s o m e t h i n g s

september 2013
barcelona spain

m e t a

october 2013
amsterdam the netherlands
vienna austria

i s e t a l l m y p e t s f r e e

november 2013
the intention behind this conceptual short series (within a set of a much larger series-in-progress) is to begin to blur the lines between creator and subject.  this is a phenomenon that we've begun to encounter on a daily (if not hourly) basis with the ubiquitous use and acceptance of image-based social media.  i am both the creator and the subject, the viewer and the viewed, the pet and the owner.

originally posted on an image-based social media site with the following explanation: "an exploration of Identity and the Self through the obstruction and deflection of each."

n e t h e r l a n d i s h

october 2013
amsterdam the netherlands

c a t c h m e

september 2013
paris france

d o w h a t y o u w a n t

august 2013
london united kingdom
september 2013
paris france

o u r l a d y

september 2013
paris france